Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences

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English Linguistics Group

The English Linguistics Group is a research group that extends the former English Linguistics Area of the Doctoral Program in Literature and Linguistics, with a total of eight faculty members:

Nobuhiro Kaga(generative syntax, English grammar)
Masaharu Shimada(generative syntax, theoretical linguistics)
Naoaki Wada(semantics, English grammar)
Yuichi Ono(foreign language learning, second language acquisition)
Masaru Kanetani(construction grammar, pragmatics)
Shuto Yamamura(generative grammar, syntax, minimalist program)
Ryohei Naya(morphology, word formation, lexicon)
Kakeru Yazawa(phonetics, phonology, second language acquisition)

Therefore, as per the research guidance policy described in the “English Linguistics Area of the Doctoral Program in Literature and Linguistics,” the Group offers research guidance in specialized areas ranging from English grammar, (generative) syntax, morphology, (cognitive) semantics, pragmatics to historical linguistics, phonetics and phonology, and second language acquisition and application to foreign language learning.

Graduate students of English linguistics have traditionally conducted research on their own initiative and through friendly competition among themselves, as well as with research guidance from the faculty members. For more information on student-led research activities, please refer to the website. Most of the graduates have gone on to teach English linguistics, general linguistics, English as a foreign language and other related subjects at universities throughout Japan, and many of them are currently active and energetic in academia in Japan and abroad. The English Linguistics Group will continue and develop this tradition.

The research achievements of individual students in the Group can be found here.




  • 日本語名詞節の内部構造と、主節に対する機能に関する研究
  • 作文を支援する語彙・文法的事項に関する研究
  • 言語分析力を育成し国語文法力向上に寄与する国語データ駆動型学習教材開発の研究




  1. 現代日本社会における喫緊の課題である多文化共生社会にむけての今後の社会作りに関する提言を行います
  2. 小中学校・高等学校の教育現場において様々な問題を抱えている外国人児童生徒教育に対して実効的提言を行います
  3. 隣接諸領域との学際的研究、具体的には、日本語教育学と教科教育学、教育学、社会学、国際政治経済学等の視点の融合を実現します


